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Jumble Sale
Saturday 02 November 2013, 15:00 - 16:30
Hits : 772

2 November from 3 to 4.30pm Jumble Sale
at Teffont Village Hall. Entrance £1 (all funds to TVH)

WANTED! Clothes, bric-a-brac etc to sell.

Whilst you are resorting that winter wardrobe/having a
blitz on 'getting rid' of those unwanted things/just having a clear-out..........
please bag the contributed articles up and label eg men's clothes, women's
clothes, children's clothes, bric-a-brac.

It would be most helpful if you could pre-sort in this way
as we have a very limited 'set-up' time for the event.

Please have the goodies ready for the week beginning 28
Oct. If you are able please deliver to Jennie Sercombe at Willow House and
leave in porch. If you would like goods to be collected that week please phone
Jennie on 01722 716099 or Anita on 01722 716548.

We shall be seeking a goodly number of helpers on that

Many hands make light work! Thank you.