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Teffont Parish Council

Distant View of Teffont


Parish Council Notices Agenda's and Minutes 

Teffont Annual Community Reports

Teffont Community Emergency Plan

Teffont Village Design Statement

Annual & Accountability Return (AGAR)

Parish Council Insurance

Parish Council History


The Teffont Parish Council was formed in 1934 by the amalgamation of the Parish Council of Teffont Magna (sometimes known as Upper Teffont) and the Parish Meeting of Teffont Evias (alternate acceptable spelling is Evyas, Ewias or Ewyas). It consists of seven Councillors who are, normally, elected every four years. Like all Parish Councils, it has very limited powers but, because all its members live locally, it is frequently the first port of call for anyone having problems with Local Government.

The Parish Council normally meets every two months but, in order to consider Planning Applications where it has some say, it will meet as a Planning Committee whenever necessary.

Notices and minutes of Council Meetings are posted on the Parish Council Meetings page and the two Parish Council notice boards in the village. All meetings, which usually start at 1830hrs and last about two hours, are open to the public although non-Councillors may not normally speak at them except during a short Question Time at the start of each meeting. The Parish Council sets an annual precept, which appears as part of Council Tax bills, to cover its expenses. The names, addresses and telephone numbers of the Chairman and Councillors of the Parish Council, of the Council's Clerk and of the Wiltshire Councillor, whose ward includes Teffont, are listed on the Council's notice boards and on this website.

Additional to the information on the Parish Council, it may be of interest to visit the Wiltshire Council website (Click here to link to the Wiltshire Council Website

Teffont Parish Councillors

David Wood (Chairman)

Sonia O'Donnell

Tony Deane

Nick Blackford

Clarissa Bell

Andrew Chapman

Chris Thompson


Parish Clerk - Rowena Taylor (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Unitary Councillor (Nadder Valley Divison) : Bridget Wayman (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)


Parish Council Code of Conduct

Model Councillor Code of Conduct 2020 Pdf

Powers and Duties of Parish Councillors Pdf

Teffont Parish Council Model Financial Regulations 2020 Pdf

Teffont Model Standing Orders


Parish Council Notices

Parish Council Meetings

All Parish Meetings are open to Teffont Residents

Forthcoming meetings

2024 Agenda 

Annual Meeting Parish Council Agenda 24th July 2024


Minutes of Previous Meetings (note: these are drafts only until approved by the Parish Council at the following meeting. Therefore the final version may differ): Click on the underlined links to view in a new webpage.

Please Note, all minutes remain as draft until signed by the Chairman. If you wish to obtain a copy of the certified minutes, please contact the Parish Clerk.

2024 Minutes

Parish Council Meeting Minutes 26th March 2024

Parish Council Meeting Minutes 27th February 2024

Parish Council Extraordinary Meeting Minutes 20th February 2024

Parish Council Meeting Minutes 9th January 2024


To see previous years Parish Council Minutes 


Teffont Annual Parish Community Gathering

The Annual Parish Community Meeting took place Tuesday 14th May 2024 in the Teffont Village Hall

Below are the annual reports from the meeting for your information:

1 Chairman of the Parish Council Annual Report 2024

2 Reading Room Annual Report 2024

3 Teffont Trust Annual Report 2024

4 Nadder Valley Garden Club Annual Report 2024

5 Neighbourhood Watch Annual Report 2024

6 PCC Annual Report 2024

7 Village Hall Annual Report 2024

8 Result of the Teffont Vilage Hall Survey 2023

9 Teffont Speed Watch Annual Report 2024 

10 Teffont Tree Warden Annual Report 2024

11 Teffont Website and Town Crier Email Annual Report 2024

12 TPC Intro & Environment Agency and Wiltshire Council Flood Investigation Report May 2023


Annual Governance & Accountability Returns (AGAR)

Please find below AGAR Document to download for 2023/24:

Download AGAR 2023/24

Notice of Public Rights and Publications Notice



Teffont Community Emergency Plan


This plan provides guidance for reaction to emergencies and outlines self- help capability within the village. It is derived from the Wiltshire Council CEP thus having a similar layout making for ease of reference for the Emergency Services.
Copies of this plan are held by the Parish Council members and electronically on the Parish website from where it can be downloaded.

Download the PDF Teffont Community Emergency Plan (12MB)


Village Design Statement

In 2007 the resident of Teffont began the process of preparing the Village Design Statement (VDS). Having been approved by Wiltshire Council, the VDS constitutes 'A material consideration in the determination of a planning application'. This means that the content of the VDS will be taken into account by the Council when determining planning applications. In 2017 the VDS available below, was reviewed, updated and published.  

The Teffont Village Design Statement is available to view and download as a Pdf doument, click the following link to view: Teffont Village Design Statement


Teffont Parish Council - Insurance

 Download a copy of the Employers Liability Insurance 

 Download a copy of the Public Liability Insurance


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